Accountability 101

Sometimes we are at a crossroads and we don’t know which way to go. In fact, we may find ourselves there many times on any given day. In that case, we must make a choice. It may be the right choice and it might not. The important thing is YOU must make a decision and then you must be accountable for the result. Accountability is a noun that describes accepting responsibility and an individual has accountability for acts and behaviors.

We all know about the problems inherent in governmental accountability but there are controls in place to assist in that endeavor. What about personal accountability? Sometimes, taking accountability means admitting you made a mistake. For an entrepreneur, this can be problematic because you are only responsible for yourself and you can be your own worse enemy. It is human to avoid admitting when we have made a mistake. We may even consider ourselves a failure. This is where an objective 3rd party can help. Can you wrap your mind around the positives of failing or simply making a bad choice? The sooner you realize that anything worthwhile will no doubt, cause mistakes, potential failure and breakdown, the sooner you can move on. An accountability coach or group or partner can help you fail forward and fail fast which is often paves the way to a successful outcome.

Accountability is a purposeful act of discipline that helps you make a bold move. A series of bold moves creates momentum and momentum creates results. The real issue is how to be accountable, especially when you are an entrepreneur. Do you have the foundation in place to keep on, keeping on, even when there are obstacles? In Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, there is an entire chapter on Persistence because it is paramount to execution and success. The book explains the virtue of overcoming fear by forced repetition of daily acts of courage. At OUR BOLD MOVES, we offer guided accountability sessions focused on developing new habits to keep you focused on your goal.

Who is Your Tribe?

If you are an entrepreneur, you are probably used to DIY.  You are the captain of your own ship and possibly, you are first mate, cook and deck-hand as well.  To support your jack-of-all-trades lifestyle, you must build a team of like-minded individuals who can hold you up when you are in a mental crisis and talk you down when you are making some outrageously bad choices.  You can find  your tribe in a Facebook group, some tech-related buddies, a business mastermind, new hires, partners, programs, coaches or mentors.  You will be constantly growing this team of networking connections to accelerate your growth and uplevel what you do. Who do you want on your team?  Consider embracing others who have strengths that complement your own.  We can help you find those some of the right people.  Be discerning about who is in your tribe. Remember, you are known by the company you keep.

Goal Setting

How do we turn dreams into reality? We determine what we want, we make a plan to get it and then put a system in place to make sure we continue to work that plan. The first step is to obtain clarity about what we want. You cannot be successful if you do not know where you are going. Amazingly, 83% of people don’t set goals. Of the 17% that do set goals, many are a December wrap up and January rollout, and then goals are forgotten for the rest of the year. This just isn’t enough granularity to get high-performance results. It’s time to get serious if you want to achieve something great.