I’m Andrea – Entrepreneur, Educator & Innovator

OUR BOLD MOVES challenge the status quo & turn complacency, apathy & excuses on their head

Transformation Education begins with the premise that change is inevitable and growth is necessary. To thrive in the age of increased opportunity but also increased challenge, we must focus on what matters. The disrupters and interrupters like sound bytes, two-second attention spans and a plethora of multimedia that is bombarding us – every waking hour and competing for our attention are all getting in the way of our ability to create.

We know what we need to do but sometimes, we just don’t do it, or we just can’t do it. WHY? Lack of self-confidence, Self-doubt, Fear, Overwhelm, Perfection, Procrastination. We have to shift our mindset and stop blaming our circumstances. We evaluate the energy, positivity, and gratitude we need to get ourselves in alignment. To move beyond our limitations, we offer services in goal setting, accountability groups, habit programs, personality assessments, psychological assessments, and career inventories to increase our clients’ self-awareness and evaluate and promote personal and professional development.

This kind of education is not what you learn in the public school system and most decidedly is not what the collegiate experience promotes. It is really the result of a technology marketing and sales career within a Fortune 500 company, software startups, and ultimately through entrepreneurial ventures in real estate, brick and mortar retail, and digital marketing. Although I was exposed to “best practices” in sales and marketing in the first 17 years of my career, it was not until I spent money on my own transformation education that I found like-minded people in a community, a mastermind, and an accountability partner that accelerated my business exponentially.

Depending on what they are, our habits will either make us or break us. We become what we repeatedly do.

Sean Covey

I developed OUR BOLD MOVES to empower entrepreneurs to make those big decisions and take imperfect action but not to feel totally alone. For me, the success of your business is to have accountability to someone besides just you. To make bold declarations on what you plan to do and then to make sure you do it! Accountability is fundamental to all growth and development. It is the glue that ties the commitment to the result. An accountability leader is part business coach, part life coach, and part mom.

“You have to do it by yourself, and you can’t do it alone”

Martin Rutte

The coaching and consulting business is trending because people want immediate or, at a minimum, near-term results.  There is a trainer or coach available for every aspect of your life (sport, personal health, nutrition, lifestyle, personal development, business, etc.) so why not consider what you could accomplish if you were held to a high standard – accountable, responsible, productive and focused? Wouldn’t that impact every part of your life – health, wealth, and relationships? Why should you be accountable?  Building a business is a process that invokes both obstacles and opportunities. You must align your thinking to get the results you desire.  You have to do the requisite activities, every day to create results. You must take full responsibility for where you are and where you want to be. You have to do it immediately. Can you develop the habits that you need to create the dreams you desire? We are here to help you. This is what changes lives. This is the role of transformation education.

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.

Steve Jobs

Your first consultation is on me